Maintaining your hardwood flooring in shiny, pristine condition isn’t as difficult of a task as the majority of homeowners may think. It doesn’t matter if your wood flooring is made from solid, engineered, or reclaimed wood, the maintenance routine is the same and quite simple and easy to execute. As a matter of fact, simple cleaning is the biggest secret to keeping your hardwood floors looking gorgeous.

Hardwood floors are long-lasting, striking and timeless and show beautifully when maintained properly. While cleaning your hardwood flooring might not be extremely difficult, there are certain steps that are key to getting it done right.

Below are 5 ways you can easily maintain your hardwood flooring;


Wood can absorb water, and when that happens the wood can swell and crack. With this in mind, it is important to clean up any spills or liquid immediately from your hardwood floors. This doesn’t mean you can’t mop your hardwood floors, but you should use a damp mop versus one that is saturated with water. On the same note, you should avoid using steam cleaners on your hardwood, as the steam can enter the woods with small crevasses and can lead to damage.


Changes to temperature and humidity can have drastic effects on your hardwood flooring, and your flooring will show you this by reacting to the change. By paying attention to your flooring you can notice changes us as bowing wood, or cracking which could be an indication that your flooring is absorbing to much moisture. If the spaces between your wood planks look as if they are wider than they used to be, this could be an indication of low humidity.


There are plenty of hardwood floor cleaning products available on the market, so when it comes to choosing the right product for your floors, there really isn’t a rule of thumb to go by. Different finish types require different forms of care, so ask your local flooring expert or refer to the manufacturer for their cleaning product recommendations.

There may not be a universal cleaning product for all hardwood flooring, but there is a must avoid for all hardwood, and that’s any cleaning product that is made of harsh chemicals. As these can damage and even strip the finish of your wood.


You can’t prevent scratches from occurring, small surface scratches and the occasional unsightly scratch are painful to see, but are a reality of hardwood. You can fill in or cover these scratches up using a colour-matched stain marker or crayon. Hardwood floor repair/coverup kits are readily available and can be picked up at your local hardware or flooring store.


When your hardwood floor begins to show signs of wear, it may be time to step in and recoat. Don’t worry, this process doesn’t involve sanding. You will actually apply a new coat of finish to the top of the hardwood, bringing back the floor’s original lustre and reviving the finish. A recoat will extend the hardwood’s lifespan, by adding a protective layer on top of your flooring.

Keeping your hardwood floors looking amazing for years, isn’t difficult when you know the right steps to take. Taking on small tasks often, such as sweeping, light moping, and filling in scratches will help you pay attention to your floors allowing you to notice any changes more quickly, and is the best way to maintain your floors.