5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Floor Tiles

Common Misconceptions About Luxury Vinyl Flooring

Luxury vinyl flooring (LVP) has gained popularity as a durable, versatile, and cost-effective flooring option. However, misconceptions about LVP may deter some homeowners from considering it for their spaces. In this blog post, we'll debunk common myths surrounding luxury vinyl flooring and shed light on the realities of this exceptional flooring solution.

Myth 1: Luxury Vinyl Flooring Looks Cheap and Fake

Reality: One of the most significant advancements in luxury vinyl flooring is its ability to mimic the look and feel of natural materials like hardwood and stone. High-quality LVF products feature realistic textures, grain patterns, and color variations that closely resemble their natural counterparts. With advancements in printing and embossing technologies, luxury vinyl flooring can achieve authentic visuals that elevate the aesthetic appeal of any space.

Myth 2: LVP is Not Durable

Reality: Contrary to popular belief, LVP is highly durable and resilient, making it suitable for high-traffic areas in residential and commercial settings. LVP is engineered with multiple layers, including a wear layer that protects against scratches, stains, and dents. Additionally, LVP is water-resistant, making it an excellent choice for kitchens, bathrooms, and other moisture-prone areas where traditional hardwood or laminate flooring may not be suitable.

Myth 3: LVP is Difficult to Install

Reality: While professional installation is recommended for optimal results, many luxury vinyl flooring products are designed for easy installation, even for DIY enthusiasts. Click-lock and adhesive-free installation systems allow for quick and hassle-free installation, reducing the time and labor costs associated with traditional flooring installations. Additionally, LVP is compatible with various subfloor types, including concrete, plywood, and existing flooring surfaces, making it a versatile option for renovation projects.

Myth 4: LVP Lacks Eco-Friendliness

Reality: Sustainable options are available in the luxury vinyl flooring market, with many manufacturers prioritizing environmental responsibility in their product offerings. Some LVP products are made from recycled materials, feature low-VOC emissions, and carry certifications such as FloorScore® and GREENGUARD Gold, indicating compliance with rigorous indoor air quality standards. Additionally, the longevity and durability of luxury vinyl flooring contribute to reduced waste and environmental impact over time.

Myth 5: LVP Decreases Home Value

Reality: LVP has become increasingly popular among homebuyers and real estate professionals due to its durability, low maintenance requirements, and aesthetic appeal. While some may argue that natural hardwood flooring adds more value to a home, modern LVP can offer comparable durability and visual appeal at a fraction of the cost. In fact, many homeowners view LVP as a practical and stylish flooring option that enhances the overall appeal of their homes.

LVP offers a versatile, durable, and cost-effective solution for homeowners seeking high-quality flooring with the look and feel of natural materials. By debunking common misconceptions about LVP and highlighting its numerous benefits, we hope to empower homeowners to make informed decisions when selecting flooring for their spaces. Don't let misconceptions deter you—LVP may be the perfect flooring solution for your home.

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Luxury Vinyl Flooring: A Modern Choice for Timeless Elegance in 2024

In the realm of interior design, flooring plays a pivotal role in shaping the ambiance and aesthetics of a space. As we step into 2024, the demand for flooring that combines luxury with practicality has never been higher. Enter luxury vinyl flooring, a versatile and sophisticated choice that has gained significant traction in recent years. In this blog post, we'll explore why luxury vinyl flooring is the ideal solution for your next project, drawing comparisons with traditional hardwood floors.

**1. Aesthetic Appeal:**

Luxury vinyl flooring has come a long way in mimicking the rich, natural look of hardwood. Technological advancements in printing and embossing techniques allow manufacturers to replicate the texture and grain patterns of hardwood with remarkable precision. This means that you can achieve the timeless elegance of hardwood floors without compromising on style or breaking the bank.

**2. Durability and Resilience:**

One of the standout features of luxury vinyl flooring is its durability. Unlike hardwood, which is susceptible to scratches, dents, and moisture damage, luxury vinyl flooring is engineered to withstand the rigors of everyday life. Its top wear layer provides a protective barrier against stains, spills, and heavy foot traffic. This resilience makes it an excellent choice for high-traffic areas, such as living rooms, kitchens, and entryways.

**3. Water Resistance:**

Traditional hardwood floors have a well-known weakness – water. Exposure to moisture can cause hardwood to warp, swell, or even develop mold. Luxury vinyl flooring, on the other hand, is inherently water-resistant. This makes it an ideal solution for spaces prone to spills or areas where moisture is present, such as bathrooms and basements. With luxury vinyl, you can enjoy the luxurious look of hardwood without worrying about water-related damage.


**4. Installation Versatility:**

Luxury vinyl flooring offers a variety of installation options, making it a versatile choice for different projects. It can be installed using the glue-down method, click-and-lock systems, or even as loose-lay planks. This flexibility simplifies the installation process, allowing for quicker and more cost-effective projects compared to the often intricate and time-consuming installation of hardwood floors.

**5. Cost-Effectiveness:**

While the allure of hardwood floors is undeniable, the associated costs can be a deterrent for many homeowners. Luxury vinyl flooring provides a cost-effective alternative that doesn't compromise on style or quality. With advancements in manufacturing techniques, luxury vinyl can closely emulate the appearance of hardwood at a fraction of the price, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious projects.

**6. Eco-Friendly Option:**

Sustainability is a growing concern in the construction and design industry. Hardwood flooring often involves harvesting mature trees, contributing to deforestation. Luxury vinyl flooring, on the other hand, is typically made from recycled materials and requires fewer natural resources in its production. Opting for luxury vinyl allows you to enjoy the look of hardwood while making an environmentally conscious choice.

**7. Low Maintenance:**

Maintaining hardwood floors can be labor-intensive, requiring periodic refinishing and careful cleaning to preserve their appearance. Luxury vinyl flooring, however, demands minimal maintenance. Regular sweeping or vacuuming and occasional damp mopping are usually sufficient to keep it looking pristine. This low-maintenance aspect makes luxury vinyl an attractive option for those seeking a beautiful floor without the time-consuming upkeep associated with hardwood.

In conclusion, luxury vinyl flooring stands out as the ideal choice for your next project in 2024, combining aesthetic appeal, durability, water resistance, installation versatility, cost-effectiveness, eco-friendliness, and low maintenance. While the classic charm of hardwood flooring endures, luxury vinyl offers a modern solution that meets the demands of contemporary lifestyles. As you embark on your next interior design endeavor, consider the elegance and practicality that luxury vinyl flooring can bring to your space.


Elevate Your Space: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Properly Maintain Luxury Vinyl Flooring

Luxury vinyl flooring has emerged as a popular choice for homeowners seeking a perfect blend of style, durability, and low maintenance. Whether you've recently installed this elegant flooring option or are considering it for your space, understanding how to properly maintain luxury vinyl flooring is key to preserving its pristine appearance and longevity.
1. Regular Cleaning Routine:
Start with a gentle yet effective cleaning routine. Sweeping or vacuuming regularly removes dirt and debris that can scratch the surface over time. Opt for a soft-bristle broom or a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to ensure a thorough clean without causing damage.

2. Gentle Mopping Techniques:
Luxury vinyl flooring is resilient, but excessive moisture can still pose a risk. When mopping, use a damp mop rather than soaking the floor. Mix a mild vinyl floor cleaner with water and ensure that the mop is well-wrung before applying it to the floor. This prevents water from seeping into the seams and edges, preserving the integrity of your luxury vinyl flooring.

Hardwood Flooring
3. Immediate Spill Cleanup:
Accidents happen, but swift action can prevent long-term damage. Immediately clean up spills to avoid staining or warping of the vinyl. Use a soft cloth or paper towel to blot the spill gently. For more stubborn stains, a mixture of water and a mild vinyl floor cleaner can be used.

4. Protective Pads and Furniture Lifts:
While luxury vinyl flooring is resistant to scratches, it's advisable to use protective pads under furniture legs to avoid any potential damage during movement. When relocating furniture, lift it rather than dragging it across the floor. This simple step can significantly contribute to maintaining the surface integrity of your flooring.

5. Avoid Harsh Chemicals:
Luxury vinyl flooring is designed to withstand a variety of elements, but harsh chemicals can erode its protective layer. Steer clear of abrasive cleaners, wax-based products, and ammonia. Instead, opt for pH-neutral vinyl floor cleaners to preserve the sheen and longevity of your flooring.

6. Use Doormats and Area Rugs:
Proactive measures can go a long way in maintaining luxury vinyl flooring. Place doormats at entryways to capture dirt and grit before they reach the floor. In high-traffic areas, consider using area rugs or runners to provide an extra layer of protection and reduce wear in specific zones.

7. Temperature and Humidity Awareness:
Luxury vinyl flooring is versatile and resistant to temperature fluctuations, but extreme conditions can still impact its performance. Maintain a stable indoor climate with moderate temperature and humidity levels. Avoid exposing the flooring to excessive heat, as this may cause the vinyl to warp.

8. Periodic Deep Cleaning:
While regular cleaning is essential, a periodic deep clean ensures a more thorough maintenance approach. Depending on foot traffic and usage, plan to deep clean your luxury vinyl flooring a few times a year. Use a specialized vinyl floor cleaner and follow the manufacturer's recommendations for optimal results.

9. Trim Pet Nails:
Pets, while beloved, can inadvertently cause scratches on your luxury vinyl flooring. Regularly trim your pet's nails to minimize the risk of scratches. Additionally, consider placing rugs or mats in pet-frequented areas to provide an extra layer of protection.

10. Stay Informed with Manufacturer Guidelines:
Finally, every LVP product is unique, and manufacturers often provide specific guidelines for maintenance. Familiarize yourself with these recommendations to ensure you are caring for your flooring in a manner that aligns with its specifications, preserving both its appearance and warranty.

In conclusion, maintaining LVP is a straightforward process that involves a combination of routine care, proactive measures, and periodic deep cleaning. By incorporating these practices into your regular maintenance routine, you can ensure that your luxury vinyl flooring not only retains its aesthetic appeal but also stands the test of time in your home or business space. Elevate your surroundings with the beauty of LVP, and let proper maintenance be the key to a lasting, stylish investment.

vlvp flooring in baby room

The Top Benefits of Choosing Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) Flooring for Your Baby's Room

When it comes to creating a safe and comfortable environment for your little one, every decision matters. From choosing the right crib to picking out the perfect color for the walls, parents want nothing but the best for their baby. One often overlooked but crucial aspect is the flooring, and more and more parents are turning to Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) for their baby's room. In this blog, we'll explore why LVP is an excellent choice for creating an ideal space for your little bundle of joy.

1. Safety First: Slip Resistance and Softness
Safety is a top priority when it comes to your baby's room, and LVP excels in this regard. One of its standout features is its slip resistance. Babies are prone to spills and accidents as they learn to crawl and walk. LVP's textured surface provides a stable footing, reducing the risk of slips and falls. Additionally, LVP has a softer feel underfoot compared to other flooring options, making it a comfortable choice for both you and your baby.

vlvp flooring in baby room2. Durability for the Long Haul
Babies are notorious for creating messes, from spit-ups to diaper leaks. LVP is known for its durability and resilience against stains and spills. It's easy to clean, and its waterproof nature ensures that accidents won't result in long-term damage. This means that your baby's room can maintain its pristine appearance even in the face of daily baby-related challenges.

3. Hypoallergenic Properties
Babies have delicate respiratory systems, and maintaining a hypoallergenic environment is crucial. Unlike carpets, which can harbor allergens like dust mites and pet dander, LVP is an excellent choice for minimizing potential allergens. Its smooth surface doesn't trap particles, making it easier to keep the room clean and safe for your baby's sensitive lungs.

4. Easy Maintenance: More Playtime, Less Cleanup
Parents are often on the lookout for ways to simplify their lives, and LVP fits the bill perfectly. Its low-maintenance nature means less time spent cleaning and more time enjoying precious moments with your baby. A simple sweep or mop is usually all it takes to keep LVP flooring looking fresh and inviting. This easy upkeep is a game-changer for busy parents.

5. Versatility in Design Choices
Creating a visually appealing and stimulating environment for your baby is essential for their cognitive development. LVP comes in a wide array of colors and patterns, allowing you to choose a design that complements your overall nursery theme. Whether you prefer a classic wood look or a modern, vibrant pattern, LVP provides the flexibility to achieve the aesthetic you desire.

6. Temperature Regulation
Maintaining a comfortable temperature in your baby's room is crucial for their well-being. LVP has excellent thermal properties, helping to regulate the room's temperature. It remains cool in summer and can be paired with radiant heating systems for added warmth during colder months. This ensures that your baby's room remains a cozy and inviting space year-round.

7. Budget-Friendly Option
Parenthood often comes with various expenses, and finding cost-effective solutions is always a plus. LVP is a budget-friendly flooring option that doesn't compromise on quality. Its durability and longevity make it a smart investment that can withstand the wear and tear of a growing family.

In conclusion, Luxury Vinyl Plank flooring emerges as an ideal choice for creating a safe, comfortable, and visually pleasing environment for your baby. Its safety features, durability, hypoallergenic properties, easy maintenance, design versatility, temperature regulation, and budget-friendly nature make it a top contender for parents looking to provide the best for their little ones. Consider LVP as you embark on the journey of creating a nursery that nurtures both the senses and the safety of your precious bundle of joy.

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Mastering the Art of Luxury Vinyl Flooring Installation

Luxury vinyl flooring has become a sought-after choice for homeowners seeking a perfect blend of elegance and durability. If you're considering a DIY luxury vinyl flooring installation project, you're in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process, ensuring your flooring project is not only visually stunning but also long-lasting.

Preparation is Key

Before diving into the installation, meticulous preparation is essential. Gather your tools and materials, including luxury vinyl planks or tiles, adhesive, underlayment, a tape measure, a utility knife, and a straight edge. Take the time to inspect and prepare your subfloor – it should be smooth, clean, and completely dry. Any imperfections in the subfloor can affect the final result, so invest time in repairing and leveling the surface.

Luxury vinyl flooring needs time to acclimate to its new environment. Unpack the materials and allow them to sit in the installation space for at least 48 hours. This step ensures that the planks adjust to the temperature and humidity of the room, minimizing the risk of expansion or contraction after installation.

luxury vinyl flooring Start with a Solid Foundation:
Establish a straight and square starting line. This line will serve as the reference point for the entire installation. Accuracy here is crucial, so take your time to measure and mark the layout.

Install the Underlayment:
The underlayment provides additional support, insulation, and noise reduction. Roll out the underlayment and trim it to fit, ensuring it covers the entire floor area. Tape seams securely to prevent any movement during installation.

Begin Laying the Luxury Vinyl Planks:
Commence the installation by laying the first row of planks along the reference line. Pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations for staggering the seams and maintaining proper spacing between planks. This initial row sets the stage for the rest of the installation, so double-check and adjust as needed.

Continue with Subsequent Rows:
As you progress, ensure each row maintains a staggered pattern to create a visually appealing layout. Use a tapping block and rubber mallet to snugly fit the planks together. Check regularly for spacing consistency.

Cutting and Fitting:
Measure and cut planks to fit around obstacles and along walls. A utility knife and a straight edge are your best friends in achieving precise cuts. Remember to leave a small gap around the edges to accommodate potential expansion.

Dealing with Doorways and Corners:
Handling doorways and corners requires extra attention. Measure and cut planks to fit, ensuring a seamless transition between rooms. Use transition strips as needed for a polished finish.

Selecting the Right Adhesive:
Different luxury vinyl flooring products may require specific adhesives. Consult the manufacturer's guidelines to choose the adhesive that suits your flooring type.

Applying Adhesive:
Apply the adhesive according to the manufacturer's instructions. A notched trowel is commonly used for spreading adhesive evenly. Work in manageable sections to ensure the adhesive remains tacky when laying the planks.

Pressing and Rolling:
After placing each plank, press it firmly into the adhesive. Use a roller to ensure a secure bond between the luxury vinyl and the subfloor. This step is crucial for preventing any lifting or shifting over time.

Trimming and Baseboards:
Complete the installation by installing trim and baseboards. These finishing touches not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also hide expansion gaps and create a seamless transition between the flooring and walls.

Take the time to clean up any excess adhesive promptly. A clean workspace ensures a professional finish and minimizes the need for post-installation maintenance.


By following these steps, you'll master the art of luxury vinyl flooring installation. This DIY project not only adds a touch of sophistication to your space but also provides a durable and low-maintenance flooring solution. Embrace the process, pay attention to detail, and revel in the satisfaction of transforming your space with the timeless beauty of luxury vinyl flooring. Stop by our showroom to checkout some of the different LVP patterns we have for your next project in Peterborough!

The hard choice between Luxury Vinyl & Hardwood Flooring

Choosing the right flooring for your home is a significant decision that involves considering various factors, especially when debating between Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) and Hardwood Floors. Both options have their own set of advantages and drawbacks, and understanding these factors can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your preferences, lifestyle, and budget.

Hardwood floors

**1. Aesthetic Appeal:**
Luxury Vinyl Flooring (LVF) has made remarkable strides in mimicking the look of hardwood. The technology behind LVP allows for realistic textures and patterns that closely resemble natural wood. However, some individuals still appreciate the timeless and authentic beauty of hardwood floors. The warmth and character of real wood add a unique charm to a space that luxury vinyl might emulate but only partially replicate.

**2. Durability:**
LVP is celebrated for its durability, making it an excellent choice for high-traffic areas, families with pets, or homes with children. Luxury vinyl is resistant to scratches, stains, and moisture, providing a robust flooring option that stands up well to everyday wear and tear. On the other hand, hardwood floors, while durable, are more susceptible to scratches and can be adversely affected by moisture.

**3. Cost Considerations:**
Budget plays a crucial role in flooring decisions. Luxury vinyl flooring often comes at a lower price point than hardwood. Additionally, installation costs for LVP are generally lower, making it a more cost-effective option. Hardwood floors, while timeless and elegant, tend to have a higher upfront cost, and installation costs can vary depending on the type of wood chosen.

**4. Installation and Maintenance:**
Luxury vinyl flooring is known for its ease of installation, and many varieties come with click-and-lock systems, making it a popular choice for DIY enthusiasts. Furthermore, LVP is relatively low maintenance, requiring simple cleaning routines to keep it looking pristine. Hardwood, however, demands more attention during installation, and maintenance involves periodic refinishing and careful cleaning to preserve its natural beauty.

**5. Environmental Impact:**
Sustainability is a growing concern for many homeowners. Hardwood floors, when sourced responsibly, can be an environmentally friendly choice, especially if the wood is certified by organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). On the other hand, luxury vinyl flooring is often made from synthetic materials, which may not be as environmentally sustainable. However, advancements in eco-friendly vinyl options are emerging, catering to those seeking a more sustainable choice.

**6. Comfort and Insulation:**
Hardwood floors have a natural warmth that adds comfort to a home. They are also conducive to underfloor heating systems. Luxury vinyl, while providing a softer surface compared to hardwood, may not have the same insulating properties. Consider the climate in your region and your preference for underfoot comfort when deciding between the two.

**7. Resale Value:**
The resale value of a home is influenced by various factors, and flooring choice is one of them. Hardwood floors are often considered a premium feature that can increase the perceived value of a property. Some potential buyers may prefer the authenticity and luxury associated with hardwood over vinyl. However, the resale value impact may vary depending on the local real estate market and buyer preferences.

**8. Moisture Resistance:**
One of the significant advantages of luxury vinyl flooring is its resistance to moisture. LVP can be installed in areas prone to high humidity, such as basements and bathrooms, where hardwood might not be a suitable option. If your home is in an environment where moisture is a concern, LVP could be the more practical choice.

9. Longevity

Hardwood floors have a long lifespan and can be refinished multiple times, allowing them to last for generations. While luxury vinyl is durable, it may not have the same longevity as hardwood. Consider your long-term plans for the property when deciding between the two.

10. Allergens and health concerns

For individuals with allergies, luxury vinyl flooring is a favorable option as it does not harbor allergens and is easy to clean. Hardwood floors, if kept clean and free of mold, can also be a suitable choice. Consider your family's health needs and whether anyone in the household has specific allergies when making your decision.

In conclusion, the choice between Luxury Vinyl Plank and Hardwood Floors depends on a multitude of factors. Assessing your priorities, budget constraints, and the specific requirements of each room in your home will guide you toward the flooring option that best suits your needs. Whether you opt for the timeless elegance of hardwood or the practicality of luxury vinyl, both choices can enhance the beauty and functionality of your living space. Contact our team to learn more about the different options that we offer in Peterborough!

Hardwood Flooring Peterborough

How Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring is made

Luxury vinyl plank (LVP) flooring has emerged as a popular choice for homeowners seeking a durable, stylish, and cost-effective flooring solution. Its realistic wood-like appearance, water resistance, and ease of maintenance make it an attractive option. To truly appreciate the qualities of LVP flooring, it's essential to understand the intricate process it undergoes from raw materials to the finished product ready for installation.

The journey of luxury vinyl plank flooring begins with the selection of high-quality raw materials. Manufacturers use a combination of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin, plasticizers, and stabilizers. These ingredients play a crucial role in determining the flooring's flexibility, durability, and stability. The careful balance of these components ensures that the final product meets the industry's rigorous standards.

Once the raw materials are gathered, they are thoroughly mixed to create a homogenous blend. This mixture is then heated and formed into sheets, commonly referred to as vinyl sheets or vinyl rolls. The thickness of these sheets can vary depending on the desired characteristics of the final product. Thicker sheets often result in more durable and robust flooring.

The next step in the manufacturing process involves adding a high-resolution photographic layer to the vinyl sheets. This layer is responsible for the realistic wood or stone appearance that has become a hallmark of luxury vinyl plank flooring. Advanced printing technologies are employed to achieve intricate details, such as wood grain patterns and textures, providing a visually appealing and authentic finish.

To enhance the durability and wear resistance of the flooring, a clear wear layer is applied over the printed design. This wear layer is typically made of urethane or other clear coatings that protect the surface from scratches, stains, and daily wear and tear. The thickness of the wear layer varies among different products, with thicker layers offering superior protection and longevity.

Luxury Vinyl Flooring PeterboroughThe vinyl sheets, now featuring the printed design and protective wear layer, undergo a process known as embossing. During embossing, the sheets pass through rollers that impart texture onto the surface. This step adds depth and dimension to the flooring, mimicking the feel of natural materials. Whether it's the rugged texture of hardwood or the smooth surface of stone, embossing plays a vital role in enhancing the overall realism of luxury vinyl plank flooring.

Following embossing, the vinyl sheets are cut into the familiar plank shapes. The size and dimensions of these planks can vary, providing homeowners with a range of options to suit their preferences and room dimensions. Some planks even feature interlocking systems, allowing for easy, glue-less installation.

The preparation for installation doesn't end with the creation of individual planks. The manufacturing process also involves the addition of an integrated underlayment or backing layer. This layer serves multiple purposes, including sound absorption, thermal insulation, and additional support. The underlayment enhances the overall comfort of walking on the flooring and contributes to a quieter living environment.

As the individual planks are readied for installation, they undergo a thorough quality control process. Manufacturers inspect each plank for consistency in color, pattern, and texture to ensure a seamless and visually appealing floor. Any defective or subpar planks are removed from the production line, guaranteeing that only high-quality products reach consumers.

One notable advantage of luxury vinyl plank flooring is its versatility in installation. Depending on the chosen type—whether it's glue-down, click-lock, or loose lay—the installation process can be relatively straightforward. Click-lock systems, for example, allow planks to seamlessly interlock, eliminating the need for adhesives and facilitating a DIY-friendly installation experience.

Once installed, luxury vinyl plank flooring requires minimal maintenance. Its resistance to water and spills makes cleaning a breeze—typically requiring only regular sweeping or vacuuming to remove dirt and debris. Occasional mopping with a mild detergent solution keeps the floor looking fresh and vibrant.

In conclusion, luxury vinyl plank flooring undergoes a meticulous manufacturing process that transforms raw materials into a resilient, aesthetically pleasing flooring option. From the careful selection and blending of PVC resin to the precision of high-resolution printing and embossing, each step contributes to the creation of planks that closely mimic the look and feel of natural materials. With the added benefits of a protective wear layer and integrated underlayment, luxury vinyl plank flooring is not only visually appealing but also durable and easy to maintain. Whether you're renovating your home or embarking on a new construction project, the journey from production to installation showcases the craftsmanship and technology that make luxury vinyl plank flooring a standout choice in the world of flooring solutions.

How to choose hardwood flooring for your home?

Luxury Vinyl Flooring vs Hardwood Flooring: Which is Right for You

When it comes to choosing the perfect flooring for your home, two popular options often come to mind: luxury vinyl flooring and hardwood flooring. Both offer unique benefits and aesthetics, but understanding the key differences can help you make an informed decision. In this blog, we'll explore the pros and cons of luxury vinyl flooring and hardwood flooring to help you determine which one is the right fit for your lifestyle and preferences.

Luxury Vinyl Flooring:

Luxury vinyl flooring has gained immense popularity in recent years, and for good reason. It offers a wide range of styles, patterns, and colors, allowing you to achieve the look of natural materials like wood or stone at a fraction of the cost. Vinyl flooring is highly durable, resistant to scratches and stains, making it an excellent choice for high-traffic areas and households with pets or children. Additionally, its moisture resistance makes it suitable for bathrooms and kitchens. With advancements in technology, luxury vinyl flooring can now mimic the texture and grain patterns of real hardwood, providing a realistic and visually appealing alternative.

Hardwood Flooring:

There's no denying the timeless beauty and elegance of hardwood flooring. It adds warmth and character to any space, and its natural variations make each plank unique. Hardwood flooring is known for its durability and longevity, often lasting for generations when properly maintained. It can be sanded and refinished multiple times, allowing you to refresh its appearance. Hardwood also offers excellent resale value, as it is highly sought after by homebuyers. However, it's important to note that hardwood flooring is susceptible to scratches, dents, and moisture damage. It requires regular maintenance, such as refinishing and occasional resealing, to keep it looking its best.

Factors to consider:

1. Budget: Luxury vinyl flooring is generally more affordable than hardwood flooring, making it a cost-effective option for those on a tight budget.
2. Lifestyle: If you have a busy household with kids and pets, luxury vinyl flooring's durability and resistance to stains and scratches may be more suitable.
3. Aesthetics: If you value the natural beauty and authenticity of hardwood, and are willing to invest in its maintenance, hardwood flooring may be the right choice for you.
4. Moisture Resistance: If you're considering flooring for areas prone to moisture, like bathrooms or kitchens, luxury vinyl flooring's water resistance makes it a practical choice. Hardwood flooring, on the other hand, is more susceptible to water damage and may not be the best option for these areas.
5. Maintenance: LVP requires minimal maintenance. Regular sweeping and occasional mopping are usually sufficient to keep it looking great. Hardwood flooring, on the other hand, requires more attention and care. It may need refinishing and resealing over time to maintain its appearance and protect it from wear and tear.
6. Environmental Impact: If sustainability is a priority for you, hardwood flooring is a more environmentally friendly option. Hardwood is a natural, renewable resource, whereas luxury vinyl flooring is made from synthetic materials. However, it's worth noting that some luxury vinyl flooring options are made from recycled materials, which can help reduce their environmental impact.

In the end, the choice between luxury vinyl flooring and hardwood flooring depends on your specific needs, preferences, and budget. Luxury vinyl flooring offers a wide range of styles, durability, and affordability, making it a practical choice for many homeowners. On the other hand, hardwood flooring provides timeless beauty, authenticity, and the potential for higher resale value. Consider factors such as your lifestyle, desired aesthetics, maintenance requirements, and moisture resistance when making your decision.

Remember, it's always a good idea to consult with our flooring professionals or our visit showroom to see and feel the different options firsthand. We can provide expert advice based on your specific circumstances and guide you towards the flooring that best suits your needs.

Luxury Vinyl Flooring

How Luxury Vinyl Flooring is made

What LVP consists of

Luxury vinyl flooring is made by combining different layers of materials. First, there's a vinyl core layer, which provides stability and durability. Then comes the design layer, where a high-resolution image of wood, stone, or other patterns is printed onto the vinyl. This layer gives the flooring a realistic and beautiful appearance. Finally, there's the wear layer, which protects the flooring from scratches, stains, and fading.

Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process of luxury vinyl flooring involves a technique called lamination. The layers are pressed together under heat and pressure, creating a strong bond. This lamination process ensures that the layers stay securely attached, even in high-traffic areas of your home.


Once the luxury vinyl flooring is manufactured, it's ready to be installed in your space. The installation process can vary depending on the type of luxury vinyl flooring you choose. There are different installation methods, such as click-lock, glue-down, or loose lay. Each method has its own advantages and suitability for different areas of your home.
Hardwood Flooring Vs. Vinyl Flooring
Click-lock luxury vinyl flooring is popular because it's easy to install. The planks or tiles have interlocking edges that click together, creating a tight and seamless fit. This method doesn't require any adhesive, making it a great option for DIY enthusiasts.

Glue-down luxury vinyl flooring involves applying adhesive to the subfloor and then placing the vinyl planks or tiles on top. This method provides a more permanent and secure installation, especially in areas with high moisture or heavy foot traffic.

Loose lay LVP or LVT is another option where the planks or tiles are laid directly on the subfloor without any adhesive. The weight and friction of the flooring keep it in place. This method allows for easy removal and replacement if needed.

No matter which installation method you choose, LVP offers numerous benefits. It's highly durable, resistant to scratches, stains, and moisture. It's also easy to clean and maintain, making it a practical choice for busy households. Additionally, LVP is available in a wide range of styles, colors, and patterns, allowing you to achieve the desired look for your space.

Luxury Vinyl Flooring

Best Flooring Options for your Basement

Starting your basement renovation: First Step

Many people buy homes with unfinished basements or have basements that are outdated and need a refreshed look. The core of any home reno or basement remodeling starts with the flooring. By giving your floor a new modern look, it can give your home a whole new look. Determining what type of flooring to select can be a big choice, and ultimately it comes down to several options for most: Tile, Hardwood, Luxury Vinyl, or Carpet Flooring.

Porcelain and Ceramic Tile Peterborough

Tile Flooring

Many people decide to go with tile for their basements for one main reason: they are water resistant. Many homes have a significant issue with flooding in their basements in the spring when the snow melts, which can often damage their floors and furniture. One of the pros of Tile Flooring is that they are water resistant and stain-resistant, which means if your home is prone to flooding, it will be easier to clean come springtime. Aside from being water resistant, tile flooring is extremely durable and has a long life span compared to other types of flooring. Additionally, tile is affordable compared to many other types of floors, and they are very low maintenance. Many people only want to spend a little bit of time cleaning their basement floors, which makes tile a good choice, as they require little to no maintenance.

Hardwood Flooring

When it comes to hardwood flooring, it adds beauty and elegance that can be a timeless look for your basement. Hardwood has been known to significantly add value to homes as well when selling. The reason for this is most people do not want someone else's carpet in their home, which means they will have to replace the flooring. By adding hardwood to your basement, any prospective buyer will be glad you installed them. Hardwood is also very durable and resilient compared to other flooring options. Hardwood has been known to have a lifespan upwards of 20 years before being replaced.

Luxury Vinyl Flooring

Luxury Vinyl Flooring has become one of the most popular flooring choices over the past few years. One of the main reasons people have been moving towards LVP is because it gives you the timeless look of hardwood, but with endless colour and pattern options. This makes LVP a popular choice for basements because with the endless patterns and colours available, you are able to find the right one that matches your basement perfectly. Another pro about selecting LVP for your basement, is they come in Planks or Tile sizes. So if you want to give your basement the hardwood floor look, put with a tile look as well you can! Lastly, Luxury Vinyl Floors are waterproof and very durable, making them a good choice for those who have basements that tend to flood.

Next Steps

Do you have an idea what type of flooring you want to choose, but still have some questions? Come to the store where one of our associates can walk you step-by-step through the entire process. Installing floors in your basement can be a big project, so make sure you do it right the first time! Our team has years of experience, so we can guide you through it, connect with a team member today!