One of the common issues people have when they choose Tile Flooring is they need help to clean the grout between the tiles. Several easy-to-do steps can have your grout looking brand new in under two hours. Grout is the space between the tiles in your bath or kitchen, or wherever you place your tiles. If the grout is left untouched, the grout can collect mold, mildew, and dirt. Ensuring you clean the grout several times, a year can give your tiles a new fresh look.

Capeting Peterborough

Step 1: Apply Grout Cleaner

  • Before getting started, make sure you wear gloves to protect your hands from the cleaner and mold
  • Next, apply any commercial tile cleaner, you will put it on all the dirty areas on the grout
  • You can also create your own grout cleaner for your tiles. Use ¾ baking soda, ¼ hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of dish soap. You can apply it to the grout like you would with any other grout cleaner

Step 2: Scrub and Rinse Grout around the Tiles

  • Next you will start scrubbing the grout using mops, towels, microfiber cloths, or sponges.
  • Some will even use toothbrushes to ensure they get all the small crevices.

Step 3: How to remove difficult stains

  • Apply your grout cleaning solution to all the grout, you can use store-bought solutions or homemade ones.
  • Next you can use a steam cleaner to review all the surfaces. By scrubbing all the grout surfaces with the steam cleaner, you can ensure to get rid of all the stubborn stains.

Step 4: Preventing Grout Build up on Tile Flooring

  • By cleaning the grout once a week, you can ensure to avoid build up of mold and dirt in the grout
  • By pouring a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a cloth and wipe down the dirty grout and tiles.
  • This will also kill mold and mildew and help keep the tiles and grout clean

tile flooring

If you were able to clean your grout, congrats! Now may be a good time to reseal it. High-traffic areas should be resealed every 6 months to 1 year, while low-traffic areas can go 2–3 years between sealings. If the methods above didn’t work, it may be time to replace your grout.

By following these steps and frequently cleaning the grout often, you can avoid having your grout between your tile flooring looking old and gross. Although cleaning the grout may seem tedious and time consuming, it can keep your flooring look brand new.